Papers accepted at AAAI and WWW
Date20 Feb 2019
PhD student Raza Khan and Lab director Joshua Blumenstock had a paper accepted at AAAI:
- Khan, MR, and Blumenstock, JE (2019). Multi-CGN: Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-View Networks, with Applications to Global Poverty, The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019), Honolulu, HI
Joshua Blumenstock and co-authors also had a paper accepted at WWW:
- Cadamuro, G, Vinayak, RK, Shapiro, JN, Blumenstock, JE, and Kakade, S (2019). The Illusion of Change: Correcting for Bias when Inferring Changes in Sparse, Societal-Scale Data, The 30th Annual Web Conference 2019 (WWW 2019), San Francisco, CA